Loan Agreements

Extension (Loan) Agreement – Extends the maturity date of the loan.

Family Loan Agreement – For the borrowing of money from one family member to another.

I Owe You (IOU) – The acceptance and confirmation of money that has been borrowed from one (1) party to another. It does not commonly give details about how or when money will be paid back or list any interest rate, payment penalties, etc.

Loan (Personal) Guarantee – If someone does not have sufficient credit to borrow money this form allows someone else to be liable as well if the debt is not paid.

Payment Plan (Installment) Agreement – To outline scheduled payments for a balance owed.

Personal Loan Agreement – For most loans from individual to individual.

Promissory Note – A promise to pay given by a debtor and a creditor that lends money.

Release of Debt – After a note has been paid-in-full this document should be issued as proof that the borrower has satisfied their debt.

Release of Personal Guarantee – Frees the Guarantor from responsibility and is no longer liable.